Carole Jean Boyd-Class is Full.

In this class, plan to come and have fun carving spirit face or Santa on a 10 to 14 inch tall cypress knee like those shown in the picture.  You will be doing intense work on the face starting from a roughout. Bring your paint brushes, Carole Jean will supply the paint.  You will be using Carole Jean’s painting expertise for finishing your project.  You can use either hand tools or power tools or both; which is what Carole Jean does.

Carole Jean has 30 year experience with carving. She has 27 year experience with Photo Art.  She combines those two skills to instruct her students in  a realistic style face with proper shading.  She is also a published co-author of Carving Cypress Knees: Creating Whimsical Characters from One of Nature's Most Unique Woods.  Carole Jean can be contacted at 334-868-9999 or email:


Blanks:           The cost of the cypress knees is not know at     this time.

Tools:               Contact the instructor for information on the required tools     

Power tools:   Allowed--a dust collector is required.      

Skill Level:                            All skill levels.