Student Class Registration Form

This application may be reproduced- Please print clearly.  Please only register one student per application to avoid confusion. Multiple applications may be mailed together.


Name: __________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________

City: __________________________ State: ___________ Zip code: _________

Phone: _________________

Email: __________________________________________________________

Class preferences: (Place a 1 by your first choice and a 2 by your 2nd choice.)


Beginning Woodcarving

Mac Proffitt


Scenes on Walking Sticks

Berry Vestal


Cottonwood Bark Houses

Ginny Gray


Wood Burning

Michele Parsons


Heraldic American Eagle

Gary McDaniel


Relief Scene or Human Figure

Dylan Goodson


Pictorial Deep Relief

Randy Walters


Power Carve a Buffalo

David Sharp


Human Bust

Ken Carter


Yellow Warbler

Riley Monroe


Carving Cypress Knees

Carole Jean Boyd



Floyd Rhadigan


Folk Art Painting

Ethel Green/ Mary Beck


I will use power tools (mark one): _______Yes                    _________No

If your first choice is filled at this time, do you want to be placed on a waiting list in the event of an opening (mark one)? ______Yes                      ______No                ______Return Fee


No refunds will be made after June 30, 2016

I, ___________________________, do hereby agree to release and hold harmless Central Alabama Woodcarving Association and the City of Wetumpka with regards to any injury or accident that may result from my participation in the 2016 Southeastern Woodcarving School held July 8 through July 10 , 2016.  I also agree not to hold Central Alabama Woodcarving Association or the City of Wetumpka responsible for any broken, stolen, or otherwise lost exhibit items which I may have displayed at the Southeastern Woodcarving School and Competition.

Date: _______________ Signed: ___________________________________________   

Return this completed application, with a check/money order made out to CAWA,

and mail it to: Southeastern Woodcarving School

c/o Judy Brooks

2793 Claud Road

Eclectic, AL 36024

To receive class confirmation, provide and e-mail address or send a self-addressed, stamped envelope